23 August 2010

Small Budget Movies


There are some movies that despite being low budget, are well made and leave an impression on your mind.
Such movies however do not get any commercial success, they get "critical Acclaim". There are many such movies made today and most people fail to get even a glimpse of them, as they don't have superstars, great directors, humongous budgets, or for that matter, even much of publicity. But despite such aspects, these are better than most of the super-starerrs - costliest movies that suck so badly that you wish if you could get your money back.........
These  may be made by people you may have not even heard of, but pack a hard punch into your guts - strong enough for the director to place his/her opinion in your mind. A pure work of art and film-making at it best. Excellent Acting, superb direction, and great scripting. If you like to experiment your nerves for that different taste, these movies are worth a watch.

Some of them are:

01] Aamir 2008
02] Khosla Ka Ghosla 2006
03] Bheja Fry 2007
04] Mithya 2008
05] Encounter : The Killing 2002
06] Main, Meri Patni, Aur Woh 2005
07] Oh, My God 2008
08] Bombay Boys 1998
09] Gang 2001
10] Straight 2009
11] Well Done Abba 2009

These are the ones that I know about, if there are any other such movies you know of, that deserve a mention in here, do tell me......

P.S. - Do tell if my blog is indeed, "Wise or Wicked"........

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12 August 2010

A Tribute To Heath Ledger .....


Whoever has seen "Batman : The Dark Knight" cannot deny the fact that Heath Ledger is one of  THE best actors the world must have ever known...  In my dictionary, his portrayal of the "Joker",  has been listed as one of the best villainous roles that I have ever seen. It has been immortalised by his amazing persona and brilliant acting, and it also won him an Oscar. This movie skyrocketed his career to super-stardom, however, he did not live to see the light of the day, and, the glory and appraisal his role fetched him. His sad demise came as a shock to his fans across the globe, one being me.... His earlier works include some famous masterpieces such as "Casanova", "10 things I hate about you", and "The Brothers Grimm". It is like, as soon as luck started to shower on him, his life orphaned him... I however wished that this guy would have lived longer so that the world could have experienced his true power. But alas! fate had something else in store for him. If you have'nt watched these movies, I would strongly suggest you to watch them, and check out for yourselves, what this guy could have become...

After this, please send me your feedbacks, regarding who is your favourite villain.

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Movies Reviewed


I saw a few movies recently, and I just thought that I should share my experiences with y'all.

1] Inception: Boy!! Is this movie cool or what! Great concept, acting, cinematography, and vfx. Christopher Nolan at his best AGAIN. His movies are getting better by the day, be it "Prestige", or "Dark Knight". This is one real deal of a director. His iconic movie endings are to die for... Well made and perfectly executed, [however, I managed to catch a few loopholes here and there], but, a great one overall. I t has the typical "Nolan-ish" touch to it. Can't wait for "Batman:Gotham"....

2] Kickass: Funky direction, and a perfect teenage-type movie. It plots perfectly around the fact that superheroes are better off into comic-books, animated series and movies: and not in the Real world. Could have been better. Fultoo timepass.Watch it for some really cool music, great photography, wacky liners, and oh! I forgot - the Superheroes.... The kid "Chloe", who plays Hit-Girl looks really cute. News buzzing around is that "Kickass 2" is in production...

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