Ranbir Kapoor as Barfi!
This is an enchanting and a heart warming movie by Siddharth Basu. It is the story of a mute-deaf, yet adventurous, and mischievious darjeeling boy 'Murphy "Barfi" Johnson' (Ranbir Kapoor), his life and his relations with a city girl Shruti (Ileana Da Cruz), and an autistic girl Jhilmil (Priyanka Chopra).
Ranbir Kapoor is excellent in the movie. His actions and expressions speak louder than any dialogue. Ileana Da Cruz is beautiful in her hindi movie debut role of a Bengali. Priyanka Chopra has left everyone speechless with her role of an autistic girl. I mean, if you think SRK was great in 'My name is Khan', then prepare to be amazed! The supporting cast has a lot of familiar faces. The director has done a great job, all credits to him. The movie has stands out from the typical hindi movie genre.
The cinematography and the angles are crisp, beautiful and picturesque. The locations are also an absolute pleasure to the eyes. The fun, romance and comedy element has been balanced perfectly. Nevertheless, the movie does get a bit conjusted and confusing in the beginning if you are not paying attention.
Pritam has made some great tracks. 'Kya karu' and 'Phir le aya dil' are my favourite tracks.
The best scene is when Ranbir and Ileana have a fight. Pretty strong yet emotional.
It was shortlisted as India's entry to the Oscars, but did not make it, owing largely to plagiarism. The movie indeed has many scenes copied from a great deal of foreign movies.Some eve frame-to-frame.
And since we have Pritam as the music director, there is bound to be a copyright blame, as he was accused of copying the background music from 'Amelie'.
A lawsuit was also in headlines as they used 'Murphy Radio' and the baby in their movie, but was settled later on.
I loved the movie for what it is. I could see the familiar scenes as well, but what was presented on screen was way better. That is why I am a fan!
Feel free to provide your suggestions about this post in the comments section!
Ranbir Kapoor as Barfi!
This is an enchanting and a heart warming movie by Siddharth Basu. It is the story of a mute-deaf, yet adventurous, and mischievious darjeeling boy 'Murphy "Barfi" Johnson' (Ranbir Kapoor), his life and his relations with a city girl Shruti (Ileana Da Cruz), and an autistic girl Jhilmil (Priyanka Chopra).
Ranbir Kapoor is excellent in the movie. His actions and expressions speak louder than any dialogue. Ileana Da Cruz is beautiful in her hindi movie debut role of a Bengali. Priyanka Chopra has left everyone speechless with her role of an autistic girl. I mean, if you think SRK was great in 'My name is Khan', then prepare to be amazed! The supporting cast has a lot of familiar faces. The director has done a great job, all credits to him. The movie has stands out from the typical hindi movie genre.
The cinematography and the angles are crisp, beautiful and picturesque. The locations are also an absolute pleasure to the eyes. The fun, romance and comedy element has been balanced perfectly. Nevertheless, the movie does get a bit conjusted and confusing in the beginning if you are not paying attention.
Pritam has made some great tracks. 'Kya karu' and 'Phir le aya dil' are my favourite tracks.
The best scene is when Ranbir and Ileana have a fight. Pretty strong yet emotional.
It was shortlisted as India's entry to the Oscars, but did not make it, owing largely to plagiarism. The movie indeed has many scenes copied from a great deal of foreign movies.Some eve frame-to-frame.
And since we have Pritam as the music director, there is bound to be a copyright blame, as he was accused of copying the background music from 'Amelie'.
A lawsuit was also in headlines as they used 'Murphy Radio' and the baby in their movie, but was settled later on.
I loved the movie for what it is. I could see the familiar scenes as well, but what was presented on screen was way better. That is why I am a fan!
Feel free to provide your suggestions about this post in the comments section!