01 March 2013

Upcoming Movies #1/3/2013

Upcoming Movies #1/3/2013

J.J. Abrams to direct 'Star Wars VII' and the trilogy ahead
Stan Lee's 'Annihilator' to be adapted into a movie
'The Crow' to be rebooted
'Godyssey' movie adaptation of the comic-book

'Y-The Last Man' movie is already on the floor
'Tomb Raider' reboot has been planned with a fresh face and new storyline
'Conan' to be rebooted with Arnold in the lead
'Interstellar' a sci-fi movie by Christopher Nolan
'Human' a sci-fi movie/series about Cops and Androids working together by J.J. Abrams to star Karl Urban

'Starship Troopers' to be rebooted


An animated 'Popeye' movie is already in the making

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson as 'Hercules' in the mythology/action film

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